Summer Connection: Strengthen Bonds and Model Friendship with Your Kids ☀️

Friendship is one of the core themes in my book, The Independents, and as we embrace the warm days of summer, it’s the perfect time to strengthen the bond between you and the children in your life. With school on break, there are countless opportunities to create wonderful memories together. Treating your kids as friends and engaging in activities that you both enjoy can make these moments special. Here are some ideas of ways to connect with your kids this summer and model the behaviors of a good friend:

  • Shared Adventures: Plan activities that you both love. Whether it’s hiking, biking, swimming, or exploring new places, shared experiences create lasting memories and deepen connection.

  • Creative Projects: Engage in creative endeavors like painting, crafting, cooking, or gardening. Working on a project together fosters teamwork and gives you a chance to bond over shared accomplishments.

  • Story Time: Read books together, share stories from your own childhood, or even make up new ones. Storytelling is a powerful way to connect and ignite your child’s imagination.

  • Game Nights: Play board games, card games, or video games that you both enjoy. Friendly competition and laughter are great ways to strengthen your friendship.

Modeling Friendship Behaviors

The way you interact with your children not only builds your relationship but also sets an example for them. Kids are keen observers and often model their behaviors after the adults in their lives. By treating your children with kindness, respect, and friendship, you are teaching them valuable lessons about what it means to be a good friend.

Tips for Building Connections

  • Listen Actively: Show genuine interest in what your child has to say. Listening without judgment fosters trust and openness.

  • Show Empathy: Acknowledge their feelings and experiences. Empathy helps children feel understood and valued.

  • Be Present: Put away distractions and give your full attention to your child. Your undivided attention is priceless.

The Power of Presence

This summer, let’s make a conscious effort to connect with the kids in our lives and model the friendship behaviors we hope to see in them. By doing so, not only will we build stronger relationships but also equip our children with the tools they need to be compassionate and loyal friends, just like the Independents.

Wishing you a summer filled with joy, laughter, and meaningful connections!

Share Your Stories

I’d love to hear about your summer adventures and how you’re connecting with your kids. Share your stories and photos with me on social media (Instagram and Facebook). You can also join our Independents community on my website,!

Thank you for reading!


Podcast - Inspiring Resilience and Connection: Lessons from Antoinette H. Jones


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